_HomePageArchiveCallback({data:{ "count": 4, "totalCount": 0, "list": [ { "lineId": "122464", "categoryId": 0, "subject": "皇帝的新装", "ownerId": 7970639, "userId": 7970639, "ownerName": "Three与争锋", "author": "Three与争锋", "commentCount": 0, "forwardCount": 0, "praiseCount": 0, "visitorCount": 0, "hitCount": 0, "summary": "", "isDraft": false, "isEssential": false, "isAllowComment": true, "isAllowForward": true, "cover": null, "coverFullPath": "", "featuredImage": "", "featuredImagePath": [ "" ], "isSetTop": false, "privacyStatus": 2, "auditStatus": 40, "auditStatusDescription": "通过审核", "pubTime": "2013-12-22 07:32:25" }, { "lineId": "121172", "categoryId": 0, "subject": "优秀班主任致家长的话", "ownerId": 7970639, "userId": 7970639, "ownerName": "Three与争锋", "author": "Three与争锋", "commentCount": 0, "forwardCount": 0, "praiseCount": 0, "visitorCount": 0, "hitCount": 0, "summary": "同一个班级,孩子之间的竞争,归根到底,是家长综合素质和付出心力的竞争。平时不闻不问,考差了大发雷霆,是不负责任的表现。▲当人们说这个孩子和哪个孩子的不同的时候,其实主要是指这个家长和那个家长的不同。▲同在一个班级,教是一样的教。如果你没有按照老师的要求去做,没有尽到做家长的责任,不要向孩子提学习要求,更没有资格责备他们。▲当你觉得付出没有得到充分回报的时候,要这样想:如果我不做,孩子的潜能将更不能", "isDraft": false, "isEssential": false, "isAllowComment": true, "isAllowForward": true, "cover": null, "coverFullPath": "", "featuredImage": "", "featuredImagePath": [ "" ], "isSetTop": false, "privacyStatus": 2, "auditStatus": 40, "auditStatusDescription": "通过审核", "pubTime": "2013-12-21 08:59:02" }, { "lineId": "120745", "categoryId": 0, "subject": "成功的老师能影响学生一辈子!", "ownerId": 7970639, "userId": 7970639, "ownerName": "Three与争锋", "author": "Three与争锋", "commentCount": 0, "forwardCount": 0, "praiseCount": 0, "visitorCount": 0, "hitCount": 0, "summary": "这位老师,名叫伍军,男性,约三四十岁。中央司法学院毕业,痕迹鉴定专家(侦查指纹等)。曾在武汉汉西监狱工作过七年,后来由于家境困窘(伍老师老家是湖北公安县的,他父母是农民,兄弟都在农村,妻子、家里都要靠他,感觉经济上入不敷出,必须要出来挣钱),他的头脑很好使,就走学习这条路。他辞去工作,在家自修一年,专攻法律专业。\r\n 已经成了家的人,要抛却一切杂念专心学习,还是很要一些毅力的。已经没了工作,破釜沉", "isDraft": false, "isEssential": false, "isAllowComment": true, "isAllowForward": true, "cover": null, "coverFullPath": "", "featuredImage": "", "featuredImagePath": [ "" ], "isSetTop": false, "privacyStatus": 2, "auditStatus": 40, "auditStatusDescription": "通过审核", "pubTime": "2013-12-21 02:45:55" }, { "lineId": "120742", "categoryId": 0, "subject": "我为什么当老师—Why I Teach", "ownerId": 7970639, "userId": 7970639, "ownerName": "Three与争锋", "author": "Three与争锋", "commentCount": 0, "forwardCount": 0, "praiseCount": 0, "visitorCount": 0, "hitCount": 0, "summary": "I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. June, July, August offer an opportunity for reflection, research writing.I teach because teaching is a profession built on change. When the ma", "isDraft": false, "isEssential": false, "isAllowComment": true, "isAllowForward": true, "cover": null, "coverFullPath": "", "featuredImage": "", "featuredImagePath": [ "" ], "isSetTop": false, "privacyStatus": 2, "auditStatus": 40, "auditStatusDescription": "通过审核", "pubTime": "2013-12-21 02:44:16" } ] }})